Everything you need to know about tracking and maintaining your streaks
Add Streak: You get 5 points for every streak you create and the daily points added as you continue to maintain your streak
Reset Streak: You lose 50% of points earned for that streak
Delete Streak: You lose all points earned for that streak
Create streaks with custom names, categories, and colors
Track progress automatically from your start date
View detailed streak information and progress at a glance
Reset streak on missed days to maintain accountability
You get to keep your streak history visible for learning and motivation
Get insights on what led to streak breaks
Use past streaks as motivation to start fresh
View comprehensive charts and graphs of your progress
Track total streaks, longest streaks, and average durations
Analyze weekly activity patterns
Get insights on your most successful habits
Unlock milestones at key streak lengths (7, 30, 100 days)
Display achievements on your profile
Track progress towards upcoming milestones
Share achievements with your community
Choose custom colors for different streak categories
Organize streaks with personalized categories
Filter and sort streaks based on your priorities